Mit den zauberhaften Tönen ihrer Klangstäbe, wenn der Wind sie in sanfte Schwingung versetzt, sind Windspiele ein Spiel der Natur mit von Menschen geschaffenen Instrumenten. Ob es nun helle, feine Töne sind oder eher dunkle, sonore, immer wieder drehen wir uns verwundert und voller Freude nach der Quelle dieses Klangzaubers um. Sie haben ihren Platz im Garten, auf Balkonen und Terrassen, in Zimmern oder Korridoren. Sie heißen uns willkommen, wenn wir eine Türe öffnen oder bringen uns von draußen eine leise Botschaft von Wärme, Wind und Licht.

Unser Musikhaus führt eine vielfältige Auswahl an Modellen, und es ständig neue und noch schönere Windspiele geschaffen. Windspiele aus Metall zeichnen sich durch klare hohe und weithin hörbare Töne aus. Andere Windspiele haben lange dicke Röhren, die von runden Holzkugeln angeschlagen werden. Sie bezaubern mit ihrem obertonreichen satten Klang. Wieder andere sind nur aus Holz oder Bambus und klappern munter drauflos. Die Auswahl ist enorm – komm einfach vorbei und entdecke selbst, welcher Klang deinen Ohren am meisten schmeichelt.

Wir führen eine schöne Auswahl von Windspielen des renommierten Herstellers Woodstock Chimes, von kleinen bis zu großen Windspielen, inklusive einer Reihe von Chakra-Chimes. Eines unserer beliebtesten Windspiele ist ‘Chimes of Earth’! Unser persönlicher Favorit ist ‘Chimes of Athena’ oder ‘Bells of Paradice’. Es ist wunderschön ruhig, mit tiefen, beruhigenden Tönen, ideal für einen Garten.

Koshi Chimes

Koshi ChimesKoshi chimes are high quality wind chimes that have a beautiful and unique sound. An authentic musical instrument of original creation, they are hand-made at the foot of the Pyrenees mountains in France and each chime is the result of meticulous craftsmanship. Eight fine metal rods are welded with silver into the metal plate at the base of a resonance tube. Precise tuning creates a spectrum of clear tones that are rich in overtones. The overtones of the shorter chords gradually dominate and become fundamentals, thus forming a circular tone range. The effect is meditative and delightful!

Koshi chimes come in four tunings – Terra, Aqua, Aria and Igris (hear sound samples below) – and each has a specific timbre and can be played harmoniously with the others. The resonance tube consists of bamboo veneer treated with natural oil. These beautifully finished chimes make lovely gifts. Koshi chimes are very similar in construction to the Zaphir chimes.

Zaphir/ Koshi Chimes

Nachdem die halbe Welt den Atem angehalten hatte, weil die Produktion der beliebten Shanti-Klangspiele eingestellt wurde, läuten nun die neuen Modelle Zaphir und Koshi eine neue Ära ein: Zaphir ist dem Vorbild der Shantis treu geblieben und erstrahlt in den gewohnten fröhlichen Farben, während mit Koshi eine neue Richtung eingeschlagen wurde: die klare Einfachheit der Natur. Diese neuen Modelle sind aus naturfarbenem Bambus gefertigt, die Resonanzkammer ist ein wenig länger und die vier Stimmungen entsprechen den 4 Elementen.

Wer ein solches Klangspiel aussuchen will, hat die Qual der Wahl, denn jedes ist einzartig schön; ein Vergleich der verschiedenen Modelle stellt eine Herausforderung dar, denn Farben und Klangkombinationen schmeicheln sowohl dem Auge und Ohr.
Kommen Sie vorbei und probieren Sie selbst!

Chime Tree

Chime TreeThe Chime Tree (also known as Mark Tree, Bar Chimes or Wind Chimes) is a percussive instrument used primarily to add colour to musical arrangements. It consists of a number of small chimes (typically cylinders of solid metal approximately 6mm in diameter) of varying lengths hanging from a bar. The chimes are played by sweeping a finger or stick through the length of the hanging chimes. They are mounted in pitch order to produce rising or falling glissandos. Unlike tubular bells, another form of chime, the chimes on a Chime Tree do not produce a definite pitch but instead produce an inharmonic (rather than harmonic) spectra. The chime trees that are availabe from Gandharva Loka have twenty-six chimes that hang from a wooden bar mounted on an adjustable / foldable tripod. The chime trees come with a metal striker.


Koshi Chimes

Koshi ChimesKoshi chimes are high quality wind chimes that have a beautiful and unique sound. An authentic musical instrument of original creation, they are hand-made at the foot of the Pyrenees mountains in France and each chime is the result of meticulous craftsmanship. Eight fine metal rods are welded with silver into the metal plate at the base of a resonance tube. Precise tuning creates a spectrum of clear tones that are rich in overtones. The overtones of the shorter chords gradually dominate and become fundamentals, thus forming a circular tone range. The effect is meditative and delightful!

Koshi chimes come in four tunings – Terra, Aqua, Aria and Igris (hear sound samples below) – and each has a specific timbre and can be played harmoniously with the others. The resonance tube consists of bamboo veneer treated with natural oil. These beautifully finished chimes make lovely gifts. Koshi chimes are very similar in construction to the Zaphir chimes.

These beautiful chimes have a beautiful delicate sound. Zaphir chimes and Koshi chimes are extremely popular with sound and music therapists because of their relaxing tones. The Koshi chime has a lovely natural bamboo finish and comes in four tunings named after the elements. The tunings certainly embodies the essence of each element.

Fire: warm and serene

Water: very Peaceful

Air: light and airy

Earth: deep and earthy

Magnolia  Chimes (made in New Zealand)

Magnolia Wind ChimesGandharva Loka stocks the sweet music and soothing sounds of New Zealand made Magnolia Wind Chimes – a stunning range of high quality wind chimes that come in a wide variety of colours, sizes and sounds. These wind chimes are delightful musical instruments designed to deliver spontaneous and soothing music, whenever the wind blows.

Precise cutting of the pipes ensures concert pitch tuning of notes in pentatonic scales. In addition to this sweet music, these wind chimes are produced in a stunning array of colours and a wide variety of original and artistic woodwork. Crafted from the highest quality materials, Magnolia wind chimes are a durable and delightful addition to any home or garden. The aluminium wind chime pipes are hardy and naturally corrosion resistant, even in salty coastal conditions. They make excellent gifts.



Wind ChimesIt is thought that modern wind chimes have their origins in Indian wind bells. By the second century CE, wind bells were being suspended on the corners of large pagodas. In time wind bells were introduced to China and were also hung in temples, palaces and homes. Japanese glass wind bells have been produced since the Edo period. Wind chimes are thought to be good luck in parts of Asia and are used in the art of Feng Shui. They are now commonly used all over the world in gardens, on balconies or terraces, and indoors.

Wind chimes are made from a variety of materials including metals, bamboo, wood and bone. (Some artisans make novel wind chimes from items such as old silverware and cutlery.) Gandharva Loka carries wind chimes in a wide variety of styles and sizes. Enjoy the sweet, charming, soothing and inspiring play of nature’s breath moving through a set of wind chimes. They also make great gifts.

Zaphir Chimes

Zaphir ChimesZaphir chimes (which were originally known as Shanti Chimes) are at once chalming and enchanting – their delicate tones bring a subtle beauty in sound to any environment. Zaphir chimes are an authentic musical instrument hand-made by dedicated craftsmen and women in France. The construction and dimensions of this instrument match the natural principles relating to the laws of equilibrium (known as the Golden ratio) which gives these chimes the capacity to produce high quality sound waves that provide a deep sense of harmony, balance and beauty.

The five different tunings (hear sound samples below) and specific timbres of the Zaphir, combined with their wide variety of colorful designs, bring a lovely element of peace and relaxation to your surroundings and this also makes them excellent gifts. Zaphir chimes and their close relative, the Koshi chimes, are also very effective for use in sound therapy work for relaxation, well-being and healing. A video clip displaying the various colour designs and sounds of Zaphir chimes can be viewed here.

Zaphir Chimes

Once known as Shanti bells, the company split to become Zaphir chimes and Koshi Chimes. Both equally as beautiful in tone however with a different finish. The Zaphir chime has a variety of artistic coloured finishes and five tunings:

Sunray: Bright and happy

Sufi: Mystical

Blue moon: Deep and earthy

Crystalide: Angelic

Twilight: Light and fairy-like

Zenergy Chimes

Zenergy ChimesJust a gentle tap with the mallet and Zenergy Chimes emit a powerful and crystal clear tone of singular beauty with a lengthy sustain. The clear resonating tones can help to calm and refocus an individual or a group and are often used for hatha yoga, meditation and healing. Zenergy Chimes help to focus and redirect our attention to the sound within. Zenergy Chimes are an effective and charming way to start a class, meeting, yoga practice or call guests to dinner. They make lovely gifts.

Zenergy Chimes are available in one, two, three and five bar models, and also a seven bar Chakra Zenergy Chime with matching semi precious stones (click on the small image above to see the full range [not to scale] in the larger image). Each Zenergy Chime includes a mallet and a keyhole slot on the back of the wooden base that enables the Zenergy Chimes to be installed upright on a door or wall. The mallet handle slips in between the chime and the wooden base for safekeeping. An example of a Zenergy Chime being played can be viewd here.

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